Sunday, March 4, 2012

This is a new work I just did.  I'm premiering it here because if I tried to post it on Deviant Art or Imageshack, the people running those sites would probably have a stroke.  They're easily excitable that way.

The premise is this: Shego captured Kim Possible and, as a way to both humiliate her and get her out of the way permanently, sold her to a group of Human Traffickers for the purposes of sexual slavery.  What Shego didn't count on was the traffickers deciding that she would fetch at least as much as Kim would.  And in the blink of an eye, Shego is just as naked at Kim is and being trussed up for transport to the auction block, a la the film "Taken".  And Kim can only look on helplessly.

Sexist?  Sure it is.  Of course Kim and Shego put their very brilliant minds together and not only escape the traffickers' clutches, but bring down the entire organization in a fit of righteous vengeance (Kim is the righteous part, while Shego more than fills the vengeance side), freeing all of their other victims and striking a blow against the lawless exploitation of human beings.

But it's no fun drawing that...

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