Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kim and Shego at it again.  This was done back when "The Little Black Dress" had first appeared on the show and was all the rage among Kim fan artists.
The first time I think I ever drew Kim Possible, here along with her friend Monique in a sticky situation.  But it wouldn't be the last.  I love drawing Kim so much.  I miss the show so much. 

If Disney and Marvel ever sort things out on what they want to publish, I hope two of the titles are a Mickey Mouse adventure title and a Kim Possible title.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Another holiday-themed picture, this celebrating New Years.  Now naturally Shego's main objective is to humiliate Kim in front of millions.  But I know there are some people out there who would look at this picture and would be positive that she's about to rape Kim with the scythe or some sick notion.

And I'M the pervert.
A holiday based Kim and Shego picture.  Yeah, I can see where people would get bent out of shape about this one.  I just think it's funny, in an outrageous sort of way.  And you don't actually see any marks on Kim, so maybe the bullwhip Shego has is made of foam rubber or something.

Monday, February 27, 2012

This picture was taken down from DeviantArt last month under the pretext of "a minor character in a sexual situation".   I'm still looking for the "sexual situation" part.  I suppose somebody could maybe possibly consider the fact that because her legs are tied doubled, it would somehow maybe make her .01% more likely to be sexually assaulted.  But that's REALLY grasping at straws. It seems more likely someone was searching for a reason to dump it and used the old Supreme Court pornography standard of "I can't define it, but I know it when I see it".  If you're going to use that logic, then every picture of a person in a submissive or indefensible position is a sexual situation, because the possibility of rape is there - - even if the person is alone in the picture.

Oh, the controversy these two pictures kicked up when I first posted them.  Every place I posted them instantly took them down.  And frankly I don't understand what the big deal is.  Shego's greatest joy in life is to humiliate Kim.  How better to do it than to force her to be a pony girl?  Yes, it's fetishist, but everything is a fetish to someone.  Quite frankly, there are far more graphic situations I could have drawn Shego subjecting Kim to.  But some people just have to overreact to things.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Josie And The Pussycats captured by one of the Scooby-Doo rejects they usually ran up against in their cartoon.  Melody is still trying to figure out why she can't say anything, while both Josie and Alexandra wish they were tied to Alan.  Josie's hair sucks in this.  Drawing short hair has always been a problem for me.
My first attempt at drawing the ladies from Totally Spies.  Once again I made Alex too dark.  Maybe if I actually knew what nationality she is, I could color her more accurately.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Botan from YuYu Hakusho.  I really like how this turned out.
Betty Boop prevented from Booping.  The peculiar proportion of cheeks to cranium in Betty's design is off here, throwing the head off.

Friday, February 24, 2012

A really, REALLY old attempt at doing the ladies of the Streetfighter game.  I'm not a gamer.  In fact, I think I was inspired to do this by a Streetfighter cartoon series that was in syndication back in '95 or '96.  I don't recall much about the series, other than the characters and my wishing that the show had less of Colonel Guile and more of Chun-Li and Cammy.  I inked and colored this drawing in 2004, I think.  It's not bad, for what it is.
An older picture where I'm trying to exercise my Will Eisner influence, featuring Kagura of the anime Inuyasha.  If the picture is marred by anything, other than my tentative grasp of anatomy, it's my George Gibson influence.  Either shade with pen lines or shade with solid black areas.  Don't do both because they don't work together.  One of these days I'll learn that.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The equally delightful Yomiko Readman from the Read Or Die OVA.  The face isn't quite right and the distended jaw from her gag throws it off more.
A picture I did of Sakaki from Azumanga Daioh after discovering that delightful series.  Sakaki was and is my favorite and I felt I had to "capture" her - - on paper.  Of course, I chickened out and drew her blindfolded so I wouldn't have to attempt to draw her eyes.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Harkening back to those wonderful days when Teen Titans and Justice League Unlimited ran back to back on Saturday nights.  One day I got the masochistic idea of what it would be like to do a picture with all of the WB animated heroines trussed up and stuffed into a rather cramped space.

Unfortunately, as is a sad trait of mine, my concentration tends to wander after about the third figure in a picture, or the third panel on a page.  I get impatient and start rushing to finish.  That's why Starfire, Raven and Zatanna look so lousy.  That and trying to copy Bruce Timm's style, which is never easy.
Another old picture of Ran Mouri.  This plays off of the occasional cruel manner in which Shinichi (Jimmy) treated a girl he supposedly liked.  He never tied her up - - not that I know of, anyway - - but he could be rather cold and heartless to her sometime.

I was trying to copy the style of the manga and didn't quite succeed.  Ran is a little more thin and sleek than I made her in this picture, and the head is out of proportion to the body.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Occasionally I'll be posting new works that are a little too racy for the timid souls over at Deviant Art and other sites.

This is one such piece.  It was originally intended for the March 2011 update of Shackled Senshi, which never appeared due to personal considerations concerning the site's owner (and no, don't ask).  Since it has been lingering on my hard drive for nearly a year, I thought it was time to show the public.

Here we see Usagi and Rei from Sailor Moon in a slightly more intimate pose than either one is probably comfortable with (although if Rei knew it was Usagi she was squished up against, she might not try so hard to get loose).  I'm very proud of the shading, although matching Usagi's face to Rei's around the connected ballgag they're sharing never did come out to my satisfaction.

And need I mention, from the way both ladies are squirming, that the ballgag isn't all they're sharing?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Again, trying to mimic the Bruce Timm style, this time on Black Canary and Huntress as they appeared on the Justice League Unlimited cartoon.  With the pseudo-Kirby machinery in the background.  The colors are kind of garish.
The animation Batgirl and Supergirl captured.  Copying Bruce Timm's style is always so difficult for me because he makes unusual anatomy choices that work for HIM.  Not so much for me.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

This is an old, old picture I did after viewing Devil Hunter Yohko, one of the first series I picked up after Sailor Moon got me hooked on anime.  The parallels to Sailor Moon are obvious.  If you've seen the series, the parallels to Buffy The Vampire Slayer are obvious, too.  Thing is, this could have been a great series like those other two.  It just seems like the folks who created her didn't quite know what to do with her once they created her.  And the concept sort of died on the vine.

As for the picture, it's pretty good for the level of ability I had at the time.
Juxtaposing the Comic Book version of Rogue with the version that appeared on the X-Men cartoon.  I believe I did this as a gift for Gambit, to feed his Rogue habit.  It's a little too cartoony for my current tastes.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Poor Misty.  It's bad enough she has to dodge Jessie trying to steal her Poke-Balls.  But she also has to put up with her older sisters hazing her?  No wonder she's constantly on the road.

I remember doing this right after I saw the "Misty The Mermaid" episode because I thought Misty just looked so elegant as a mermaid.  Tomboys have a feminine side.  They're just loathe to show it.
A picture featuring my two favorite characters from Pokemon: Jessie, because who doesn't love shapely bad girls, and Misty, because who doesn't love pretty tomboys?  Jessie's face is a little unnatural looking to my eye.  I was trying so hard to emulate the way the face is drawn that I lost some of the natural expression.  It looks like someone wearing a Jessie mask.

Hey, maybe it's Brock in drag . . .

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I don't remember a thing about this one.  The file name is Lexxy, so I guess that's her name.  If I had thought about what I was doing, I would have put the light burst behind her head.

Because everybody's furry for Krystal.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I did this when Samurai Champloo was first running on Adult Swim.  After all, who couldn't fall under the spell of goofy, irrepressible Fuu?
Third request involving The Joker and one of the Teen Titans, based on the episode where all of the other Titans tried on Robin's costume while he was away training.  Naturally, as the old gag goes, if you put on the costume, the villain only sees the costume and can't see that Starfire is taller than Robin . . . and a girl . . . and an alien.  Oh well, jokes on her.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

More fun with Batgirl and the Titans.  The Joker plans to torture them by telling them really bad jokes.  Raven's already at the breaking point.

Looking back at it, Joker is clearly too big in the picture and Starfire is too small.
Another request, but one with two subjects I love: Teen Titans and evil twins.  Raven, Starfire and Batgirl have been cloned and their clones programmed to be eeeeeeevillllllll.  And naturally they can't venture out to do evil without swiping the costumes of the originals.

The perspective is a little off.  I should have either dropped the two Starfires lower in the picture or raised the angle of the floor trim.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Joker kicks the crap out of Batman while Batgirl looks on helplessly.  This has to have been a request, because I don't think I would have drawn Batgirl crying otherwise.  Again I try to mimic the style of the cartoon set by Bruce Timm and again I fall short.
This is Galatea, a knock-off of Power Girl that appeared on Cartoon Network's Justice League series.  I don't know why they didn't just use Power Girl.  Maybe it was a rights thing.  DC's relationship with Time-Warner is so screwed up sometimes.  Anyway, she's being examined by some science types.  As a picture, it's not bad.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sir Integra Hellsing and Seras Victoria from the Hellsing manga (yes, Integra is a gurrrrrl - - surprise!).  Integra was always the most fascinating character in that manga, for me at least.  And in this predicament, she can't smoke those foul little cigars of hers.

And I just noticed the design similarities between Integra and Balalaika in Black Lagoon, both physically and as characters.  Coincidence or influence?
Jan from Space Ghost being menaced by Zorak.  This one almost turned out all right.  Jan is a little off center on the table.  I was still not as experienced with perspective as I am today.

Lord, I think I'd tune in to a weekly show of just Jan being menaced on a weekly basis.  She was such an under-used part of that show.
Got the urge to draw Mary Marvel one day.  The face is a little off.  And Sivana is too big.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

This is a picture of Ran Mouri(Rachel Moore) and Vivian Kudo, the girlfriend and mother of Shinichi (Jimmy) Kudo, the lead in Detective Conan (Case Closed), one of my favorite manga.  The anatomy is a little weak because I was obsessing over getting the faces right.  And the inking is lousy.

And one of these days I've got to do another picture like this and include Ran's mom, too.  Talk about a knockout trio!
If I remember correctly, this was my first attempt at drawing Cutey Honey and was probably influenced by the 2004 remake done by Gainax.  At the time, I was still struggling with drawing "anime eyes".  And, looking back, that is a Hell of a lot of stuffing in her mouth.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Zatanna is so great.  You can put her in the most devilish predicaments and explain it away as just part of her act.  I don't remember whether the idea of the immersion escape (variants of which go back to Houdini) came first or her cynical little judgment on the rubes.  Because you know there's a few people in the audience hoping she dies so they can say they were there when.
I kind of always liked this one.  I'm sure this was a request, because I usually don't do "over the nose" gags.  But the coloring is improving.  If I did it over again, I'd choose another color for the walls.  Something warmer.  And I'd improve the perspective on the boards revealed by the cracked plaster.  But it's not bad.
More Suikoden by request.  The redhead looks like she was someone you didn't mess with.
Another Suikoden request.  I thought the character designs were interesting to work with.  And the background is me swiping mood lighting effects from UFA films.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

This is a picture of four characters from Suikoden, which is a video game I think.  It was a request from somebody and I did it strictly for the challenge of drawing characters I'd never drew before.  Again, the inking sucks.

Susan Richards in her "peek-a-boo" costume.  This costume appeared long after I gave up reading Fantastic Four and it's probably a good thing.  This costume is so completely unnecessary.  Now I'm someone who can, on one hand, realize the utter impracticality of a uniform like this and, at the same time, appreciate the way it displays the female form.  And clearly I was intrigued enough by it to draw Susan in it in a compromising position.

But Susan Richards is a mother, for crying out loud.  If I were Franklin Richards and I saw her running around like that, I'd be so embarrassed.  There was nothing wrong with the old form-fitting blue jumpsuit.  And Susan Richards had an aura of class.  She was the first lady of the Marvel Age.  This suit just cheapens her.

And opens her up to smutty jokes like I put into the mouth of the one henchman. 

This is one of those pictures that I wish I could go back and do over again.  The pencils were fine and I think it was my first foray in doing Mandy from The Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy.  But the inking blows.  I could do a much better job today.  But I promised myself not to go back.  Don't redo the past.  Keep marching toward the future.

And remember, folks - - don't fuck with Mandy.

Why I Started This Blog

This blog will feature my damsel in distress art, such as it is.  All of the pieces have appeared elsewhere.  It's just that some of the places some of the pieces appeared don't exist any longer.  Such is the transitory nature of  the World Wide Web.

You may recall them.  You may be seeing them for the first time.  You may like them.  If so, thank you.  You may not like them.  If not, that's fair.  This blog, like my art, is done for me.  Anyone else who derives benefit from it is just a happy bonus.

The picture below is of Ani and Uni Puma from the anime Dominion Tank Police.  I wanted to take a crack at drawing them, since the characters are five kinds of sexy.  Given the level of my talent and experience when this was done (it's an older work), it came off fairly well.  And I was still experimenting with Paint Shop Pro at the time.