Monday, May 28, 2012

I was going through some old folders and found this.  It was a picture I'd done back in 1999 for a story I never got around to writing.  The principal heroines, Qiana (on the left) and Serena (on the right) were college buddies vacationing in The Bahamas.  There they run across a smuggling operation while scuba diving and get captured by the nasties doing the smuggling.

Cut to 2012: Upon finding it, I got the urge to color it.  The biggest problem, since Serena and their attacker are VERY dark skinned, was choosing a background color that could convey evening without making the two darker-skinned characters disappear completely.  After all, there's no point in a voluptuous beauty like Serena being tied up if you can't see her.

As for the story itself, it'll probably never get written.  But if I find another old drawing with Serena and Qiana (especially one with Qiana wearing her glasses), I might just decide to color that one, too.

Qiana and Serena are copyright and trademarked by me, so hands off you wolves.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Terrorists have invaded the NERV classroom and taken Rei Ayanami, Hikari Horaki and Asuka Soryuu hostage.  What are their demands?  To see three cute teens tied up in their school uniforms.

Mission accomplished.

This was my first attempt at drawing Rei and Hikari.  It was either first or second time drawing She Who Must Be Obeyed.  Rei's a little off.  Drawing that haircut gives me fits.  And the perspective on the desk in the foreground is terrible.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

This cover fake was based on the anecdote I'd heard about the origins of the Barbara Gordon Batgirl.  Seems that in 1966, when the Batman TV show was in full mania, the producers went to DC Comics to see if they had any other villainesses in the Batman lore, as the Julie Newmar Catwoman episodes had garnered a lot of positive feedback.  Carmine Infantino came up with a pile of sketches for villainesses, one of them being Poison Ivy and another Silver Fox.  Well the producers tossed ideas back and forth with Infantino and Julie Schwartz and at one point Poison Ivy was going to be on the show.  Then they changed their mind, deciding instead to use Silver Fox, but as a partner to Batman.  Then Silver Fox became Batgirl.  And DC, who had earlier done a Poison Ivy story in anticipation of the TV show, brought Batgirl out in 1967 in anticipation of the show.

So, doing my best Carmine Infantino impression (which isn't that good), I did a cover showing Poison Ivy taking revenge on "Silver Fox" for cheating her out of appearing on the Batman TV show.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

My reinterpretation of the cover of All-Star Comics #42.  Once again, the eyes are too big.  And I should have put a menacing shadow on the floor.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Here we find Blackfire having fallen into a trap she set for Starfire and now the pair of them are helpless prisoners of the Gordanians.  This is probably one of the pictures that got me in trouble with Photobucket.  Ah, I do enjoy drawing Blackfire in compromising positions.

There are a couple of problems with this picture.  The Gordanian is positioned a little too close to the prisoners.  But more importantly, both Starfire and Blackfire's faces are drawn too harshly.  Yes, their features are twisted up by the naked fury they both feel (they're probably furious about being naked, for one), but I probably could have done it without twisting the beauty of the characters' faces.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Here we have Star Girl shrink-wrapped for delivery to some nefarious organization who bears her no good will.

This is an example of my not being able to translate the picture in my head to paper.  It just doesn't look right, but I don't have the skill or knowledge to know why it doesn't look right.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Blackfire has acquired a new pony for her stable.  Naturally the ponygirl was her dear sister. 

Looking back on it, the picture does share a theme with the Shego/Kim Possible pony pics.  I guess I'm beginning to repeat myself.  It is a favorite theme.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

I did this picture because Rei Tachibana from the anime Pani Pony Dash is hot.  Unfortunately my attempts at humor are less so, as are my attempts to draw some of the other characters "deformed".  Just look at Rei.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

This was taken down from Deviant Art a few years ago under the pretext of "minor characters in a sexual situation".  What caused it to be "a sexual situation"?

The ball gags.

Apparently ball gags have a secondary perception among some people as being visual shorthand for oral intercourse.  Which was a new one on me, I have to admit, when that little decision came down.  And here I thought they were designed TO KEEP A CAPTIVE QUIET!  But Hell, why stop there?  The ropes across their chests could be visual shorthand for fondling them!  The crossed ankles could be visual shorthand for enforced chastity!

And all I wanted to do was draw a picture where the two characters shared the name "Raven" (Raven Simone being the voice actress for MoNique).

And besides, why were they objecting?  The site is called "Deviant Art".  But I redrew the picture with tape gags and everything was fine.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

This was done for a challenge on another website.  I think it was "what if Ocelotina (from Adam Warren's excellent 'Empowered' graphic novels) hosted characters from other publishers on her cable show.  This time she's got Ms. Marvel, and boy does she 'got' her.

The biggest problem I had with this was imitating Adam Warren's unique manner of drawing faces.  It's not something I'm as yet comfortable with, either drawing or looking at.  Sometimes he really goes overboard.

Monday, May 7, 2012

An old piece I did of Kuukaku, a minor character from Bleach who caught my eye for two things common among Bleach females: An unusual design and a big rack.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

This was a variant to a pin up piece that's posted on Deviant Art.  It involves Kim posing in the Santa jacket, cap and boots, but some convenient ribbon has been added to make her a seasonal-appropriate package.  I just wonder whose tree she's ending up under: Ron's or Shego's.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Did this right after the release of "Scooby-Doo! Abracadabra-Doo!".  The idea of Madelyn Dinkley appealed to me.  So did the idea of Madelyn and Velma sharing a little bound time together.  In retrospect, I was so busy trying to make sure Madelyn's face was on model that I let the exaggerated length of her thighs get by.