Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I'm posting this picture here because, due to the subject matter and the participants involved, Deviant Art and Imageshack would deem it one step below buggering farm animals and lower the censorship hammer.  Now clearly from a look at Kim's body (and it's not like anything is hidden), this picture takes place when she is over twenty.  I made it as obvious as I could without tattooing her birthday on her hip.  But to those folks, she will be eternally sixteen and off-limits to such humor.

And it IS humor.  Yes, the scene is very fetishist and that's 50% of the appeal.  But the other 50% is the joke (I hope).  Drakken is discovering just why Shego is so willing to help him capture Kim Possible.  Of course, Drakken isn't too bright about things like this.  We've known Shego has dreamed of this thing for years.

And maybe Kim has, too.  If you believe the KiGo shippers, this is just as wet a dream for Kimmie as it is for Shego.

1 comment:

  1. I seen some of the stuff that has been banned. I do wonder if someone is actually looking at these pieces. I can also understand their concerns, its like that joke with the ink blots. Where the guy says "You're the one showing dirty pictures."
