Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Another new picture I'm premiering here, rather than on Deviant Art or Imageshack.  This way there's almost no risk of the picture getting pulled because someone got offended.  If this offends you, you're looking at the wrong blog, boy.

I've really grown to appreciate Blackfire recently.  She has all the good qualities of Starfire (and why not - - it's basically the same design, just a different expression and different hair color), but there's that bad girl edge to her perception that Starfire doesn't have.  It gives her a naughty, illicit appeal, like sex with her would be breaking the rules.  Now not every DID picture I do implies the potential for sex, no matter what some might claim.  This does.  Blackfire is in that predicament for one reason only.

I've also noticed that, since Blackfire is a villain, that it seems to be tacitly OK to subject her to more cruelties than you would, say, Starfire.  At least in my mind.  After all, she's a villain.  She wouldn't blink at doing it to you (and that's a whole 'nother can of worms).

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