Monday, April 30, 2012

Another cover fake, this one of Harvey Comics' Black Cat, my all-time favorite golden age heroine.  If I did it over again, I'd make the line shading solid black areas and move the caption to the lower right corner.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

My fragile memory has once more failed me on this.  Obviously American Dream is a Rule 63 interpretation of Captain America, but I don't recall whose design it was (it's not mine - - I would never have dreamed up those boots, effective as they are) or why I drew this particular picture.  Challenge?  Request?  Don't recall.  Sorry.

But it does prove that some male characters work under Rule 63 and some don't, and Captain America is one that doesn't.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

As much as I love drawing DiD, I love being funny.  Whether I'm successful at that is, of course, up to the audience.  When I can combine the two, it's a real treat.  Here we have one such attempt and it's one I'm particularly proud of.  Everything in this picture works: It's a nice design, the characters are on model and the joke is kind of cute.

On a side note, I miss My Life As A Teenage Robot.  The show was very pleasant, Jenny was adorable and the art design on the show was different from anything on the air.  Why Nickelodeon canned it so they could run Spongebob twenty hours a day, I'll never know.

Monday, April 23, 2012

An alternate version of the picture I recently posted on Deviant Art.  As you can see, the home invaders stole more than just the Griffin's money and valuables.  Close the door, Peter.  I'm certain they're feeling a draft.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I'm posting this picture here because, due to the subject matter and the participants involved, Deviant Art and Imageshack would deem it one step below buggering farm animals and lower the censorship hammer.  Now clearly from a look at Kim's body (and it's not like anything is hidden), this picture takes place when she is over twenty.  I made it as obvious as I could without tattooing her birthday on her hip.  But to those folks, she will be eternally sixteen and off-limits to such humor.

And it IS humor.  Yes, the scene is very fetishist and that's 50% of the appeal.  But the other 50% is the joke (I hope).  Drakken is discovering just why Shego is so willing to help him capture Kim Possible.  Of course, Drakken isn't too bright about things like this.  We've known Shego has dreamed of this thing for years.

And maybe Kim has, too.  If you believe the KiGo shippers, this is just as wet a dream for Kimmie as it is for Shego.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Another failed piece, mainly because of the proportions.  If you remember the show, Electro-Woman was bigger than Dyna-Girl.  Here it looks like I drew the Electro-Woman figure and then traced it to produce Dyna-Girl - - I probably did.  As for the position, I was recreating something I'd seen Eric Stanton draw.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Another older, inferior work I'm posting because, as bad as it is, someone with little taste might repost it and claim it as theirs.  Paranoid?  It's happened before.

I've tried many times to draw Vampirella, but something about the character always seems to escape me, usually in the face.  The perfect Vampirella was always the version Jose Gonzalez drew for Warren.  At Gonzelez' hand, she was the perfect combination of dark sexuality, feminine vulnerability and animal ferocity.  I never seem to be able to capture that.  In this picture, the "anime eyes" sabotage it.  So do the bangs and the cute little nose.  The color is too flat, too.  The layout itself wasn't a bad idea, but the execution is terrible.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A picture of Kanami Chidori from Full Metal Panic, which I'm posting only to establish that it's mine.  It's not very good.  The layout is awkward, the rigging uninspired and the likeness is barely credible. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Another new picture I'm premiering here, rather than on Deviant Art or Imageshack.  This way there's almost no risk of the picture getting pulled because someone got offended.  If this offends you, you're looking at the wrong blog, boy.

I've really grown to appreciate Blackfire recently.  She has all the good qualities of Starfire (and why not - - it's basically the same design, just a different expression and different hair color), but there's that bad girl edge to her perception that Starfire doesn't have.  It gives her a naughty, illicit appeal, like sex with her would be breaking the rules.  Now not every DID picture I do implies the potential for sex, no matter what some might claim.  This does.  Blackfire is in that predicament for one reason only.

I've also noticed that, since Blackfire is a villain, that it seems to be tacitly OK to subject her to more cruelties than you would, say, Starfire.  At least in my mind.  After all, she's a villain.  She wouldn't blink at doing it to you (and that's a whole 'nother can of worms).

Monday, April 9, 2012

A picture of Keiko Yukimura, Yusuke Urameshi's love interest (when he can find the time between macho-fest brawling) in the anime Yu Yu Hakusho.  It's not a bad drawing, I suppose.  I would have made the pleats in her skirt a little less prominent.  But the picture itself just doesn't command the eye.  It's just sort of 'there'.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

I may have already posted this on Deviant Art, but I can't remember.  Regardless, here it is: Cutey Honey, captured by the minions of Panther Claw, along with police inspector Natsuko Aki, from the Re: Cutie Honey OVA that was supervised by Hideaki Anno, based on his life action version.  And as mercurial a talent as Anno is, he scored big with this perfect OVA.  Honey is a wonderful combination of newborn innocence and action anime badass, while the addition of Natsuko Aki balances Honey's naivete with a character of professional drive and experienced cynicism.  Not to mention that sexy women in jackets and tight skirts are hot.

Sadly this OVA isn't available in the US unless you go the bootleg route.  If you can find a dealer you can trust who sells bootlegs, this is a fantastic three-part series that combines all of the classic Cutey Honey elements with some eye-popping visuals (and a little crude humor) from the man who gave us Evangelion.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

One of the great qualities of Gene Roddenberry was that he understood how well sexy-dressed women can be to dry material like science fiction.  Now Star Trek had, in its first two seasons, some excellent, thought provoking scripts. But it also had sexy ladies in appealing costumes, both on the crew of the Enterprise and in whatever alien culture they were visiting.  That's one of the things Rick Berman never understood, and it's one of the reasons the later spinoffs were less memorable.  I know, Seven Of Nine - - how long did it take Berman to learn that lesson?

Anyway, to the picture: A Federation officer and a Romulan officer are captured by a band of wild Andoran women for purposes that wouldn't pass network Standards And Practices review, so I'll leave it to your imagination.  But Gene Roddenberry would have loved the plot.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Triplicate Girl, from one of the later incarnations of the Legion Of Super-Heroes.  I can't keep track anymore.  DC changes things almost annually.  Anywho, it just proves that splitting yourself into three selves can be used for more than just crusading for justice.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Storm, in the uniform I'm most familiar with, suspended in a room and subjected to some debilitating heat effect.  Once again I was trying to be creative with the background and it didn't really work out.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

When I first saw the designs for Powerpuff Girls Z, the anime remake of the US born Powerpuff Girls, I was excited.  The redesign of Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup were first rate, and I could live with most of the redesigns of the villains.

Then I saw the show.  It was just a LITTLE bit juvenile for my tastes.  But damn Bubbles looked cute.